Saturday, April 28, 2007

Writers should Be as Adam

Well, at least this is to summarize what all the writing workshops I attended advised when it comes to naming (not only characters btw). I found a paragraph in an article called : "What's in a name." This first paragraph is going to progress to a discussion of what an E-book really is, or what qualifies as an E-book. I am more and more inclined that maybe I should become a publisher of E-books (So God help me). No, seriously, I just found this paragraph a little judgmental but I tend to agree with it.

in a Name?

"In Genesis 2:19 God causes all of the new creations to pass before Adam so he can name them, establishing Adam's primacy over the animal kingdom. Naming things has been a human addiction since the beginnings of language, for how else can we talk about anything? However, the naming of things has as much to say about the namer as the namee. Doctors use big words for simple problems to insulate themselves from the emotional responses of their patients who are nevertheless comforted in having their fears named, and lawyers use complicated Latin terminology to describe everyday life so they can charge more per hour. Social workers, educators, psychologists and politicians often engage in creative naming as a substitute for accomplishment, continually redefining night and day by glancing out a window with the shade down. Names are contextual entities, and they need to be examined in the light of both their creators and their target audience."

True isn't it?

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